The final battle for the fate of Vigrid approaches...
Varg has overcome the trials of his past and become an accepted member of the Bloodsworn, but now he and his newfound comrades face their biggest challenge yet: slaying a dragon.
Elvar is struggling to consolidate her power in Snakavik, where she faces threats from without and within. As she fights to assert her authority in readiness for the coming conflict, she faces a surely insurmountable task: reigning in the ferocity of a wolf god.
As Biorr and his warband make their way north, eager for blood, Gudvarr pursues a mission of his own, hoping to win Lik-Rifa’s favour and further his own ambitions.
All paths lead to Snakavik, where the lines are being drawn for the final battle - a titanic clash that will shake the foundations of the world, and bear witness to the true fury of the gods.
Kindle Book
- Release date: October 22, 2024
OverDrive Read
- ISBN: 9780316539975
- Release date: October 22, 2024
EPUB ebook
- ISBN: 9780316539975
- File size: 3896 KB
- Release date: October 22, 2024
The final battle for the fate of Vigrid approaches...
Varg has overcome the trials of his past and become an accepted member of the Bloodsworn, but now he and his newfound comrades face their biggest challenge yet: slaying a dragon.
Elvar is struggling to consolidate her power in Snakavik, where she faces threats from without and within. As she fights to assert her authority in readiness for the coming conflict, she faces a surely insurmountable task: reigning in the ferocity of a wolf god.
As Biorr and his warband make their way north, eager for blood, Gudvarr pursues a mission of his own, hoping to win Lik-Rifa’s favour and further his own ambitions.
All paths lead to Snakavik, where the lines are being drawn for the final battle - a titanic clash that will shake the foundations of the world, and bear witness to the true fury of the gods.
Kindle Book
Release date: October 22, 2024
OverDrive Read
ISBN: 9780316539975
Release date: October 22, 2024
EPUB ebook
ISBN: 9780316539975
File size: 3896 KB
Release date: October 22, 2024
- John Gwynne - Author
Kindle Book
OverDrive Read
EPUB ebook
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